Sunday, August 16, 2009

Sex and The City

Apart from spending 2 torturous weeks at home , I attended Kak Hana's 30th birthday party on Friday night at Tophat,KL. I know I vowed to stay at home this whole month but it's not like I can say no to a relative's function! Families come first so gotta make that as an exception. Lol. So anyway, it was a great event although none of the people there were of my age. The theme for the party was Sex and the City and I chose to look like Carrie. Funny part was that, I had no idea what to wear for the event! But then mom had a meeting at KLCC so sofy and I technically roamed about KLCC looking for a cocktail dress. It's been so long since I last went there! We left the mall really late that mom, sofy and I had to change our clothes at Mandarin Oriental's toilet. Lol.

Alright so back to the party! I won the Best Dressed award! =D A free menicure and pedicure voucher! The door girft was kinda cool though. Wait more like disgusting. I mean, who would include a condom and a plaster as a doorgift?

The dress I managed to find last minute at bcbg..I gotta lose weight and look skinny like that model maaan.. or maybe not..I need those sugars!

With dad and the birthday girl =)
Candidates for the best dressed award
Putting on the sash.. " Thank you..thank you.. thank you very much...." *Elvis Presley's way* lol.
We Are Family! nananana..

Anyhooooo! It's my sister's birthday today! Happy Birthday sis! ooo and guess what, my UK monkeys gave her wondermilk cupcakes this morning! Nyummmmmyeyewkuadhuksdk! This is the reason why I'm so fat and chubby now. Haih. Btw, Saturday was the bext day ever! NOT! (ok why am I blogging like some annoying kid?) I practically stayed at home the whole day.. Stayed at home and did some studying. Almost died of boredom uuunnntiiiiiilllll mr Faez came!! not to mention, with a VERY goodlooking malaysian + arab friend, Saddam from Yamen! *drools* He dropped by just to pass sofy's comics but stayed a lil longer to play with sofy's turntables. Those 2 people really made my day =D=D

So yea, nothing much is happening today as well..except for my neighbour's farewell party in the evening later with all of her Alice Smith's mat salleh craze friends.. Allisha, if you're reading this, which I know you are, I cant believe you're ditching me in kyuem alone next year! Sigh. Well have fun in United World College! I expect to see you with an Italian guy when you come back! hehe. Oh yea and my neighbours are also throwing some bbq at the park for my sis later. A very vivacious neighbourhood indeed.. haha. Seriously, I cant wait to go to school tomorrow!
p/s: Someone take me out shopping please =(

1 comment:

  1. i truly love the dress.. it's even more gorgeous since u're wearing it. do u mind telling me the price of this bcbg very gorgeous dress please? im really interested in making that as one of my collections.
    oh and i must admit that u're a really one beautiful girl :)
